Students will design projects that promote the Red Cross at The Art Institute of California – Orange County annual Summer Studio workshopHigh school juniors, seniors and recent graduates interested in pursuing a creative education have the opportunity to roll up their sleeves to work with the American Red Cross at The Art Institute of California – Orange County 2009 Summer Studio Workshop. Students will work closely with the Red Cross to find out if they have what it takes for a future in design, fashion, media arts or culinary arts.
From June 23-26, students participate in an intense four-day workshop and experience a taste of the academic programs at The Art Institute of California – Orange County. They’ll work alongside industry professionals as part of a production team creating the many design, media and culinary elements that contribute to the promotion of a nonprofit organization.
“The workshop has been extremely successful since its inception in 2001,” said Melinda Lester, Dean of Academic Affairs. “It is a life-changing, eye-opening week for most of these students and many attendees later make the decision to study applied arts in college.”
This year the workshops focus on the American Red Cross and their efforts to attract younger blood donors. The theme of the campaign elements the students will be creating is “Roll Up Your Sleeve.”
Students can choose from one of the following ten specialized workshops, depending on their area of interest: Advertising, Culinary Arts, Digital Photography, Fashion, Game Art & Design/Visual & Game Programming, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Media Arts & Animation/Visual Effects & Motion Graphics and Web Design & Interactive Media.
Any 2009, 2010 or 2011 high school graduate from the U.S. or Canada, who is at least 16 years old, is eligible to attend. Tuition is $150 and includes all classes, supplies, meals and field trips. Supervised housing and daily transportation to and from The Art Institute is available for an additional cost.
For more information or to register, visit